North & South, and not of the civil war variety

I've forsaken kdramas for a couple of weeks now and jumped on the Brit drama train instead.  Dunno why… I just did.  I started off with the obvious Austen stuff, dabbled in George Elliot (just one which I disliked, really), and now find myself at the Elizabeth Gaskell stop.  And in this short time, Mr. Darcy somehow managed to get dethroned TWICE.  First by Mr. Knightley of Emma, then by Mr. Thornton of North & South.  Most people probably overlook Elizabeth Gaskell but if you like Brit lit, you should really try her out.  I never thought it possible to have both Jane Eyre and Pride & Prejudice in the same world but it somehow works marvellously in N&S.  I'm still in the process of reading the novel, but from the adaptation, I can say N&S is a grittier, less shallow version of P&P.

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